Record a restrictive physical intervention incident
You must inform your fostering social worker (or out of hours if between 5pm and 8:30am) immediately if you need to use restrictive physical intervention to stop the child from hurting themselves or others.
Restrictive physical intervention could include:
- restraint - the positive application of force with the intention of overpowering a child.
- holding - any measure or technique which involves the child being held firmly by one person, so long as the child retains a degree of mobility and can leave if determined enough.
- positive touch - minimum contact in order to lead, guide, usher or block a child applied in a manner which permits the child quite a lot of freedom and mobility.
- presence - control using no contact, such as standing in front of a child or obstructing a doorway to negotiate with a child, but allowing the child the freedom to leave if they wish.
You also need to complete a restrictive physical intervention record within 24 hours of the incident.
Record a restrictive physical intervention incident
We're working on a new way to record restrictive physical intervention incidents which will make the process more secure, efficient and accessible to everyone. If you'd like to try the new version, submit a claim below. It's a new service, so please send us your feedback using the link in the form.
Record a restrictive physical intervention incident
We will still accept claims on the old form (a Word document) until the new one has been fully developed.