Disability Living Allowance
Fostering a child is an important and responsible role and children with a disability are perhaps some of the most vulnerable in our care.
If a child in your care receives Disability Living Allowance (DLA), you will need to manage it for them until they're at least 16.
As the appointed person you are in a position of trust.
You must:
- always act in the best interest of the child when managing and spending the DLA you receive for them.
- report any changes in the child's circumstances which could affect their entitlement to DLA.
- report any changes in your own circumstances which may affect your ability to act as an appointed person, for example, if the child or young person no longer lives with you.
You must not take a fee or any payment from the DLA for acting as an appointed person.
Using Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
The child's DLA should be used to enhance their quality of life or help with the extra costs of caring for a sick or disabled child. The way you spend their DLA will depend on their individual practical and emotional needs.
It shouldn't be used to fund support that is usually available through health, education or social services such as equipment, therapies, assessed respite or transport to school. It should also not be saved for the child to use in later life.
If you are considering spending a large amount on a specific item or activity, you should speak to your fostering social worker and the child's social worker first.
Managing Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
The Department for Work and Pensions is responsible for monitoring the use of DLA and it's important that you can give an account of how it is spent.
To help with this, we'd recommend setting up a bank account in the child's name for the DLA to be paid into. You can then use this account to track what the money is being spent on.
You should also keep receipts for larger items and record the details on the child's diary record to provide an ongoing account of how the money has been used.
Read the policy and guidance
For more information read the Disability Living Allowance Policy and Guidance (PDF, 231.7 KB).