Foster Carer Agreement
When you became a foster carer, you signed a Foster Carer Agreement which sets what we expect of you.
The agreement contains:
- the terms of your approval
- information about support and training
- the review process
- the placement process
- your insurance and legal liabilities
- the process for making a complaint.
It also covers your responsibilities:
- to care for and promote the welfare of the child and treat them as a valued member of the family
- to keep the child safe
- to work as part of the 'team around the child' and work in partnership with us and our partners to meet the child's identified needs
- to keep the fostering service updated on the child’s progress and any significant events that affect the child
- not to carry out any physical or corporal punishment or inappropriate sanctions as described in promoting positive behaviour and safer care (PDF, 315.2 KB)
- to keep all information about any child placed in your care confidential unless we say you can share it
- to attend relevant meetings including Child Protection Conferences and Looked After Children Reviews concerning the child or young person and provide written reports if requested, and help prepare the child or young person for meetings
- to carry out your duties from the child’s Placement Plan
- to work within the fostering service’s policies and procedures and guidance
- to allow inspectors of the fostering service to visit your home, see you or the child or young person by prior arrangement
- to attend the mandatory training courses as required.
You should also immediately notify your fostering social worker of any change in circumstances.